Pi, Pie, Pi! It’s National Pi Day!
Pi. The mathematical equivalent of a scientific element. One number every math enthusiast understands. The single most talked about constant in every math forum; is also the symbol that represents the sweetest day in math history. Pi Day is coming. And there’s so much you can do about it!
What’s so special about Pi Day?
Pi is the symbol to represent a constant. And while the numbers behind its decimal point have been calculated to over a trillion digits, the common mathematical use to determine the circumference of a circle is 3.14. So it only makes sense that March 14th (3/14) has been dubbed National Pi Day. But why is it so important?
Well, believe it or not, math was not always a popular subject. So, in 1988, physicist Larry Shaw organized the first National Pi Day at a science museum in San Francisco in an effort to encourage schools to make math fun for children. Mathematicians dressed up in silly hats, ate pie and celebrated. This event grew in popularity and in 2009, the house of representatives passed a resolution dubbing March 14th National Pi Day. Today, we celebrate Pi with t-shirts, pie eating contests, watching movies of Pi, and more!
How do you celebrate Pi Day at Cinotti’s?
Pi day, while centered around math, is celebrated in a host of different ways. Finding circles throughout your day and calculating their circumference using Pi will keep you busy. And, speaking of circles, pies are circles too! Eating pie, for instance, is perfectly acceptable on Pi Day and in fact, encouraged. We recommend eating pie made from circular fruits such as Cherry, Blueberry, or even Apple. This will increase the learning value as well. After all, Pi is all about math, isn’t it?
Donuts, especially the round kind, are another acceptable treat to enjoy on this day. Cookies can be considered the brain food for mathematicians, can’t they? So, go ahead and get a dozen or two… or 3.14! Basically, eating anything round from our cases is the best way to celebrate Pi.
With so many fun and edible ways to celebrate this necessary number, it’s easy to see how popular math has become. National Pi Day has elevated awareness of an essential need in society and for that, we embrace all aspects of the number. But, while pi may be irrational and sometimes hard to explain, PIE is not. PIE is a constant in our lives and is meant to be enjoyed by everyone. So, come on down, getcha some PIE and celebrate Pi with us!
Stay Sweet!